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Clean Out Kings Junk Removal, Appliance Removal, Reston, our team Junk Removal, Reston Jun


Founded in early 2022 In Reston, Virginia with a mission to provide the friendliest and fastest junk removal service in our area.


Clean Out Kings is a local junk removal company based in Northern Virginia that was founded by three young men from Reston, VA: Oliver Giaon, Nick Haitz, and Jon McNamara. Oliver is a former student-athlete at South Lakes high school and is currently studying business at James Madison University. Nick is a student-athlete at Averett University, also studying business, and Jon is an educator and basketball coach at a local high school who has mentored Oliver and Nick through high school and their first steps into college.

The three of them came together in early 2022 to start Clean Out Kings Junk Removal with the belief that their combined experience, strategy, and determination would allow them to succeed in this industry. They are committed to providing reliable and efficient junk removal services to residential and commercial customers and aim to help their clients declutter and organize their space.


At Clean Out Kings, we are dedicated to providing exceptional junk removal services to our clients in Northern Virginia. We understand the importance of hard work, respect, and getting the job done, and we strive to embody these values in everything we do. Our team is made up of young student-athletes from the local community, who are learning the value of these core principles and putting them into practice through their work. We are committed to building a company that not only provides exceptional services but also serves as a learning opportunity for these young individuals. Our vision is to continue growing and expanding our organization while staying true to our values and providing exceptional service to our clients.

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